viernes, 18 de febrero de 2011

Gonzalo Peña: Forwarding six of my older postings on the Rectification of Obama's chart

By Gonzalo Peña Tamez

Hi Folks:

 For those who requested it, here I am resending the first 6 postings that I wrote dealing with the rectification of Obama's natal Ascendant. There is at least an additional dozen of other postings of mine where additional hypothesis endorsing the leading family of hypothesis were formulated but not fully compiled to become assimilated to the accumulated average of this family of hypothesis. Some of these other hypothesis were very canonical and fine: Like the time he was granted the Peace Nobel Prize with the transiting Venus/Jupiter midpoint smack on the MidHeaven that I am proposing for him at 17Libra56, when we know that Libra is the sign that rules Peace and Jupiter with Venus rule prices while the MidHeaven signifies public standing and honors granted, etc.

 As I mention it at the end of the last of these 6 postings that I am forwarding now on Obama's rectification, formally the rectification has not yet been completed. But it has advanced to the point where it is silly to continue because it is fully certain that if we continue compiling additional hypothesis, we are not going to move his rectified Ascendant more than scant seconds of time either way.

 All these postings appeared here in I_Predict more than 2 years ago. Since then, many transits' observations involving Obama in the news' headlines, have been fully consistent with this rectification. Later I will find the time to re-write this rectification and complete it. For now I am sending this material just as it is in the list's archives.

 Thank you very much for your keen and kind attention.

  I wish you well



Dear Holly:

We are going to have to rectify Obama's chart because now he is going to be in the center of the mundane stage.

  In my method of rectification, you name the families of hypothetic birth times with the letters of the alphabet and the individual hypothesis within each family with numbers. If there's an official birth time and place, that usually becomes Hypothesis A1. That is the hypothesis number One of the "A" family of hypothesis is that he was born as his "official" birth certificate says: August 04, 1961  07:24 PM AHST, Honolulu, HI, yielding an Ascendant at 18Aquarius03.

 Given the well grounded suspicion that his "official" birth certificate is false, and the evidence he might have been born not in Hawaii but in Kenya, we can tag the B1 hypothesis as holding that he was born at the time his birth certificate states, 07:24 PM, but not in Honolulu HI but in Nairobi, Kenya, BAT time zone. That yields his B1 Ascendant at 23Aquarius48.

 I have the date when his father died: November 24, 1982, at 11 PM. I don't know where he died, but I cast the chart for Nairobi, Kenya. Since this is a good date to rectify a chart, we can immediately assay some blind hypothesis with the midpoints that are the most relevant given the nature of the date we have to rectify his natal chart. We assume we really don't know when (and in this case where) he was born: that's what "blind hypothesis" means in this context.

 When one's father dies, a canonical midpoint to assay is of course the Saturn/Pluto midpoint because Saturn is a natural significator of one's father and Pluto of death. Death of one's father implies a partile relation of the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint at the time one's father died and the true natal MidHeaven since it's the Cusp of House 10 of one's father.

 So we check the position of the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint when Obama's father died and we find it at 28Libra52. Now, we tag Hypothesis C1, or the first hypothesis of the "C" family, postulating that the position of the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint when his father died, 29Libra52, is equal (partile orb) to his natal MidHeaven. That means his MidHeaven is at 28Libra52. We'll first assume he was born in Honolulu, HI. Putting the MidHeaven at 28Libra52 in Honolulu means that he was born at 05:24:58 PM AHST. That's Obama's birth time as per Hypothesis C1. It yields an Ascendant at 16Capricorn11. We note that the antiscio of this Ascendant is 13Sagittarius49, thus conjoined US Ascendant...

 Which immediately calls for a new hypothesis of this same "C" family: namely that the reason why he was successful in winning the majority of the votes in the elections to become US president is precisely because his natal Ascendant is the entiscio of the nation's Ascendant. The US Ascendant I prefer, as you know, is 12Sagittarius38, whose antiscio is 17Capricorn22. Hypothesis C2 says thus that this, with partile orb, should be the Ascendant of the President Elect of the United States, Barak Obama. Calculation shows that for Obama's Ascendant to have his Ascendant equal to the antiscio of the US Ascendant at 17Capricorn22, he must have been born then (still assuming Honolulu) at 05:29:46 PM AHST. That's his birth time as per Hypothesis C2.

 As we procede to compile more hypothesis, we need to carry the accumulated average. So we average hypothesis C1 and C2 to obtain the AA2CH birth time that is the Accumulated Average of 2 Hypothesis of the C family. We just take the average of the C1 and C2 birth times and obtain: 05:27:22. That's the AA2CH, yielding an Ascendant at 16Capricorn46. We note here that this is tightly conjoined to the US Cusp 2 which is found at 16Capricorn24.

 This conjunction of Obama's AA2CH Ascendant with the US Cusp 2 of money, given that he was often cited to have broken all records gathering tons of money for his campaign from all sorts of sources even from traditional Republican donors, gives a good foot to stand up another hypothesis of the "C" family: This C3 hypothesis postulates that Obama's natal Ascendant is indeed the US Cusp 2 of money. Of course, this hypothesis would be deleted if I were not taking as rectified the US Cusp 2 of money, but I will remind you here that recently I wrote about 3 different postings claiming to have rectified this US Cusp 2 to the minute using key recent financial events of the recent financial debacle, So I wont hesitate to include this hypothesis as bona-fide canonical too.

 So we do the numbers to figure at what time Obama should have been born if his Ascendant is indeed the US Cusp 2 of money at 16Capricorn24 as postulated by Hypothesis C3, and find that Obama needs to have been born at 05:25:52 PM AHST to have his Ascendant partile conjoined US Cusp 2. So this is Obama's C3 birth time: 05:25:52 PM AHST.

 Updating the Accumulated Average of the first 3 hypothesis of the "C" family we get the AA3CH which is equal to 05:26:52 PM AHST. Because the average moved so little from the average of the first 2 C hypothesis to the first 3 C hypothesis, right away we begin to think that this "C" family could be the true one. The accumulated averaged birth times of these first 3 "C" hypothesis yields Obama's AA3CH Ascendant at 16Capricorn39.

 We note that when McCain conceded Obama had won the elections, transiting Jupiter was at 17Capricorn29. Of course, our next Hypothesis of this "C" family will be that the moment McCain conceded Obama had won the elections, transiting Jupiter (the greater fortune) partiled orb of conjunction to Obama's Ascendant. That will be Hypothesis C4. Calculation shows Obama must have been born at 05:30:14 PM AHST for that conjunction of transiting Jupiter to be partile as Obama conceded he's won the elections.

 Updating the Accumulated Average of the first 4 hypothesis of the "C" family we get the new accumulated average: AA4CH which is equal to 05:27:42 PM AHST. This yields and Ascendant at 16Capricorn51, which is Obama's AA4CH Ascendant.

 At this point I need to remind you that the first hypothesis of this "C" family of hypothesis that is proving so successful, was that when Obama's father passes away the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint was conjoined his MidHeaven. That was Hypothesis C1. This hypothesis is only stronger when we note, besides, that these two transiting planets, Saturn and Pluto, were conjoined in Libra on his "C" family MidHeaven when his father died. And looking at Obama's chart calculated for the birth time resulting from averaging the 4 extant hypothesis of the "C" family, the MidHeaven is at 29Libra35, when transiting Saturn when his father died was at 29Libra30. Right away this gives us the 5th "C" hypothesis: namely, that the moment his father died, transiting Saturn partiled orb of conjunction to Obama's true natal MidHeaven.

 So we go to do the numbers for this 5th hypothesis of the "C" family, and find that for transiting Saturn to have partiled conjunction to his MidHeaven when his father dies, he must have been born at 05:27:22 PM AHST, implying an Ascendant at 16Capricorn46 which is Obama's C5 Ascendant.

 Now we update the accumulated average as per these first 5 hypothesis of the "C" family, and we get that his AA5CH equals a birth time at 05:27:38. Obama's Ascendant as per this time averaging 5 hypothesis of the "C" family is: 16Capricorn51, and we right away note that it did NOT CHANGE at all from the 4th to the 5th hypothesis. This means that we very likely have already found Obama's TRUE RECTIFIED ASCENDANT. His Rectified Ascendant as per the averaged 5 initial hypothesis of the "C" family, namely his AA5CH Ascendant at 16Capricorn51, implicit in a AA5CH birth time at 05:27:38 PM AHST, does appear to be Obama's birth time.  In dealing with regular clients, this is the moment when I call it quits and move on to start the reading proper, you know.  But as this is a special case, we better go on to compile some additional hypothesis to make absolutely certain that we have indeed found already the exact moment of birth of Barak Obama.

 But I am late now to do some computations in my lottery studies, Holly, so I will save continuing this exercise of rectifying Obama's natal chart later on, hopefully tomorrow.

 But I think that we have already found Obama's true Ascendant: after we are through compiling some more canonical hypothesis of this "C" family, we will only move scant minutes from this mark if at all.

 Obama's Rectified Ascendant as per the above 6 hypothesis of the "C" family is 16Capricorn51 and the corresponding birth time is 05:27:38 PM AHST.

 There is something I'd like to add in this context about Hypothesis C5 that assumed that when Obama's father died transiting Saturn partiled orb of conjunction to his natal MidHeaven: this is his natal MidHeaven at 29Libra30, which in modern rulerships is ruled by Venus... However, in the classical system of rulerships using 5 essential dignities (domicile, exaltation, triplicity, terms or bounds and faces), Saturn scores higher than Venus in this particular degree of Libra, so Saturn is the Almuten of his MidHeaven (Almuten means above the modern ruler in matters pertaining that House) not Venus. This gives extra weight to this hypothesis. In my system of pondering the relative weight of the individual hypothesis of a given family of hypothesis, this Hypothesis 5 scores double points which means that when updating the accumulated average it enters the averaging computation as two hypothesis instead of one. But for the time being and until I post the details of my method, you may ignore this technicism that experience shows improves the reckoning.

 And, of course, there's still the issue of Honolulu versus Kenya, about which we'll be saying more later when we add new hypothesis to differentiate the intermediate cusps. We can use the planets of his father's death to deal now with his Cusp 8, which will be different in Hawaii than in Kenya. We'll thus settle that issue too in a coming analysis.

 For now, Holly, it seems that your hunch about Obama's Capricorn's Ascendant was correct; although you thought that his true Ascendant was maybe a little more towards the beginning of the sign, right?. We are at it, any way.  And maybe not through yet. Take care!.

  Love You



Dear Holly and Folks:

 In past posts I have explained that one main reason why rectification with midpoints is better than with the planets themselves is because if the midpoint one is using has prime relevancy given the nature of the event whose transits one is using to rectify the Ascendant, the orbs of its connection to the relevant natal cusp by symmetry or by aspect, will tend to be partile. The situation gets even better if instead of using relevant midpoints we use relevant midpoints of midpoints. Not long ago I was explaining that, for example, when using the wedding date to rectify a natal chart, the relevant midpoint of midpoints is the (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) which is a midpoint of midpoints, meaning the midpoint of the Sun/Moon and the Venus/Mars. This is so because astrologically speaking, a wedding is defined precisely by this midpoint of midpoints" it is when the natural couple, signified by the Venus/Mars midpoint,becomes the official couple, signified by the Sun/Moon midpoint. Therefore, by force, when someone gets married, this transiting midpoint of midpoints MUST connect to the natal Ascendant Descendant axis, which is the unknown that we are trying to ascertain when we rectify a chart. The connection of this (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) midpoint of midpoints to the natal Ascendant Descendant axis MUST be partile, by definition. This way we forget about orbs. When the right midpoint of midpoints is used, they are partile (zero minutes off).

 We were rectifying Obama's chart using the transits of the time when his father died, and after compiling 5 different canonical hypothesis of the "C" family, which quickly became the leading family of hypothesis as it provides abundant canonical relations to rectify the cusps it's proposing, we averaged them all up to obtain Obama's rectified Ascendant as per the average of the 5 hypothetical birth times derived from these 5 canonical hypothesis of the "C" family, to obtain an Ascendant at 16Capricorn51. We can continue using these transits of the time his father died to compile some more additional canonical hypothesis to give more statistical weight to the obtained Ascendant. I have explained that the rule is to keep adding new hypothesis to the leading family until upon adding a new hypothesis we see that the implicit Ascendant does not change at all. We have already reached that point with only 5 hypothesis of the "C" family; The accumulated average did not change the implicit Ascendant even one single minute when we passed from the 4th "C" hypothesis to the 5th "C" hypothesis. But we wanted to make really sure.

 But since I have here the date when Barak Obama married Michelle: October 18, 1992 (as I don't have the time, we'll use noontime Chicago), we can take a look at the type of connection that we find between the transiting (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) midpoint of midpoints of Obama's wedding with his Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 proposed by the accumulated average of the 5 hypothesis of the "C" family. Calculating the position of this transiting (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) midpoint of midpoints for Obama's wedding, we find it at 15Virgo30. Measuring its angular distance to the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant, we find it is of 121°21'. When dealing with midpoints and midpoints of midpoints, symmetry relations are more important than aspects. usually. So we measure the symmetric point between these two points, the said Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 and the transiting (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) when he got married. To do this, we multiply the Ascendant by 2 and then subtract the (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars):

 2Asc - t(Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars)  =  48°12'

This means of course that the midpoint between the transiting (Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars) of the wedding chart and the point at 48°12' is exactly the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant proposed by the averaged first 5 hypothesis of the "C" family or its opposition which is the proposed natal Cusp 7 as per these 5 "C" hypothesis. Looking at his wedding planets, we right away note that this 48°12' value is precisely the distance from his wedding's Venus at 28Scorpio45 and his proposed Ascendant at 16Capricorn51. Venus is of course a natural significator of marriage and weddings that we associate with Libra the sign of Venus nocturnal domicile essential dignity, thus it's of prime relevancy. Thus we can write the equation:

tVenus + (2Asc - t(Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars))  =  Asc

This is a simple irrational equation. It's called irrational because the Ascendant is on both sides of the equality and it cannot be simplified so that it's only on one side. Irrational equations cannot be solved algebraically, except by what is called numerical methods or reiterated approximations (called Newton's method if you remember from high school). It's not always that we end up with an irrational equation: usually it's a simple linear algebraic rational equation that codes the found relation of symmetry between the most relevant midpoint of midpoints in a wedding chart and the natal chart we are rectifying. However, in this case it is very convenient that all the orbs are partile, meaning absolutely exact, with the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant that we obtained from averaging up the 5 canonical hypothesis of the "C" family.

 In other words, the above equation, after we plug in the values of the planetary factors that are all taken from his wedding chart, namely Venus, Mars, Moon and Sun as they appear in the equation, has only one possible solution for the remaining factor which is, of course, the unknown Ascendant, and that only possible solution happens to be precisely to the exact minute, the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant that we derived from averaging the 5 hypothesis of the "C" family. No other possible Ascendant can turn true the equality sign in the above equation. For this reason, we conclude that indeed we have found the exact to the minute true Ascendant for Barak Obama, and it is 16Capricorn51. In other words, the equation:

tVenus + (2Asc - t(Moon/Sun // Venus/Mars))  =  Asc

when all the planetary factors are substituted by the numerical values they have in Obama's wedding day, is true only when the remaining factor, meaning the Ascendant, takes precisely the value that we obtained from averaging the 5 hypothesis of the "C" family that we compiled yesterday.

 This leaves no doubt whatsoever that Obama's true Ascendant is 16Capricorn51. We cannot move it even one single minute either way.

 If you are not familiar with my method of rectifying a natal chart, you may still harbor some doubts about so much certainty being possible. But if you seriously analyze the reasoning behind what we have done, you will arrive to the only possible conclusion: that we have indeed found Obama's true natal Ascendant with full certainty to the precise minute.

 We can add additional hypothesis, but because the above relation relation (wedding day equation) is pleromatic, meaning complete in itself, and the new additional hypothesis may not be, meaning they will bring in orbs, some plus some minus, and therefore we need to compile and average a sufficiently large number of additional hypothesis to allow that the law of large numbers cancels them all up (the orbs) so that in the end some deviate in one direction and the others in the opposite direction to permit that after a sufficiently large number of additional canonical hypothesis, their average ends up precisely where we are already: at an Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 for Barak Obama.

 So the job is done: Obama's true time of birth if in Hawaii, is 05:27:42 PM AHST. His Ascendant is 16Capricorn51, no matter whether in Nairobi or in Honolulu. But we still have to determine the other cusps in order to find out whether he was born in Hawaii or in Kenya.

 I will do that in coming postings.

 Thanks for your keen and kind attention.

 I wish you well



Dear Holly and Folks:

Those who have read my previous two postings on the rectification of Barak Obama's natal chart would no doubt have noted that my statement at the end of my second posting:

"So the job is done: Obama's true time of birth if in Hawaii, is 05:27:42 PM AHST. His Ascendant is 16Capricorn51, no matter whether in Nairobi or in Honolulu. But we still have to determine the other cusps in order to find out whether he was born in Hawaii or in Kenya."

is flawed, because not all the 5 hypothesis compiled for the "C" family are based in canonical relations involving only the Ascendant. Some were based on transits to the MidHeaven and the MidHeaven, for any given affixed Ascendant of course, will not be the same in Hawaii than in Kenya. In fact, the first of the hypothesis of the "C" family, namely hypothesis C1, was postulating that his MidHeaven was equal to the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint the day his father died. That was the blind initial hypothesis that started the "C" family, because it's normal to start a family of hypothesis checking out the most relevant midpoint given the nature of the event whose transits we are using to rectify, which in this case was his father's death: Because since we are starting from the assumption that we really don't know where his true natal Cusps are (neither degree nor sign), we use zodiacal significators first; and in purely zodiacal terms the father is signified by Saturn and death by Pluto (or Mars as nocturnal ruler of Scorpio). Therefore we began by taking the Saturn/Pluto midpoint because it spells "death of the father" in transit when his father died and postulated it was conjoining Obama's natal MidHeaven because it's the Cusp of House 10, ruling his father.

 So we found that when his father died the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint was at 28Libra52 and the C1 hypothesis postulated that is Obama's true MidHeaven. If his birth had been in Honolulu, Hawaii, the implicit Ascendant is 16Capricorn51, as said. And everything I have said in the analysis thus far is true. But if he was not born in Hawaii but in Mombasa, Kenya, for example, as the most recent evidence seems to point, then the implicit Ascendant from affixing his MidHeaven at 28Libra52 conjoined the transiting Sa/Pl midpoint of his father's death, will not be 16Capricorn52 as in Honolulu, but, instead, in Mombasa, the Ascendant will be 26Capricorn21. This means that is he was born in Mombasa, Kenya, the other hypothesis based on affixing not the MidHeaven but the Ascendant, cannot be mixed with the initial hypothesis that started the "C" family by affixing the MidHeaven so it be conjoined the transiting Sa/Pl midpoint when his father died. Then we added three more hypothesis to the "C" family, all based on relations affixing the Ascendant not the MidHeaven. Upon averaging the resulting first 4 hypothesis of the "C" family we obtained a birth time that in Honolulu yielded a MidHeaven coinciding with partile orb (zero minutes exact) with transiting Saturn in Libra (not that far from the Sa/Pl midpoint because there was actually a Saturn Pluto conjunction in Libra when his father died), so we took this conjunction as the postulate of a 5th hypothesis. Consequently, the accumulated average did not move at all from the average of the first 4 hypothesis to the average of the first 5 hypothesis of this "C" family. So the 5th hypothesis is also based not on affixing the Ascendant, but on affixing the MidHeaven, like the C1 hypothesis too.

  Hence, because of the 5 hypothesis of the "C" family 2 affix the MidHeaven and 3 affix the Ascendant in Honolulu, we cannot mix them when we now transpose his birth place from Honolulu, Hawaii, to Mombasa, Kenya. 

 So where are we now in this rectification analysis of Obama's Ascendant?.  Well, if he was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, we have indeed rectified his Ascendant and we have concluded that his rectified birth time is 05:27:42 PM AHST, August 04, 1961, and everything I have written thus far is true except for the above quoted paragraph about  transposing this Ascendant to Mombasa, Kenya. But if he was born in Mombasa or somewhere else in Kenya, then the 5 hypothesis of the "C" cannot all be applicable because they are a mixed set of three hypothesis affixing the Ascendant and 2 affixing the MidHeaven.

 If we want to affix the MidHeaven as in hypothesis C1 and C5 then the correct Ascendant should be 26Capricorn21 or 26Capricorn55 respectively, so we better talk about a "C" family of hypothesis now for Mombasa that thus far has only these two hypothesis that average up at an Ascendant at 26Capricorn38, but then we need to compile some additional hypothesis until the accumulated average stops changing when new hypothesis are added. So the case is not yet closed for Mombasa, Kenya. And if we want to affix the Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 and assume he was born in Mombasa, then the MidHeaven will be 18Libra00 and hypothesis C1 and C5 are false. This later alternative of affixing the 16Capricorn31 Ascendant and readjusting everything else in Mombasa is endorsed by the equation analyzed in my second posting on this thread yesterday using Obama's wedding planets, but then it cannot be tagged a "C" family hypothesis because this tag was assigned not to an affixed Ascendant but to an affixed MidHeaven in Honolulu equal to the transiting Sa/Pl midpoint when Obama's father died. In Mombasa, obviously, this affixed MidHeaven will yield a different Ascendant: 26Capricorn21'.

 What is clear then is that if he was not born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but somewhere in Kenya, more hypothesis are needed to conclude anything for certain. And this is what I intend to do in coming postings: to continue adding canonical hypothesis until their accumulated average stops changing. That's where we are at then, and where I will pick it up in my next post.

 Thanks for your keen and kind attention.

  I wish you well



----- Original Message -----
From: hollyavila@...
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 9:56 AM
Subject: [i_predict] Obama's chart

  Ok, this is fun.
I cast a chart for Obama for 4:36:12pm BGT, Mombasa, Kenya, and, Gonzo, his Uranus conjunct North Node is in his 8th house! No wonder they don't even want him to know his correct birth time, or he may be tipped off that his spiritual destiny is sudden death.

Hi Holly and Folks:

 Yes, Obama's natal Uranus is in House 8 of death, in the chart that you are mentioning above cast for 04:36:12 PM  BAT (-03:00 GMT) in Mombasa, Kenya, with the Ascendant at 16Capricorn51. Uranus is in House 8 too in the chart with this same 16Capricorn51 Ascendant but cast in Honolulu, Hawaii as we had worked it out too with the 5 hypothesis of the "C" family. Of course the MidHeavens are different but both in Libra anyway: the MidHeaven in Mombasa, as I said yesterday, is at 18Libra00 if you conserve there the Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 but casting the chart on Honolulu with the affixed Ascendant yields the MidHeaven at 28Libra52 which as you recall is the transiting Saturn/Pluto midpoint of the time his father died upheld by the C1 hypothesis.

 And the situation of sudden death worsens if you affix the MidHeaven at 28Libra52 that we found in Honolulu with the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant, but affixing it in Mombasa which implies the 26Capricorn21 Ascendant; because then Obama's natal Uranus at 25Leo14 stands in 3 minutes orb conjunction with natal Cusp 8 at 25Leo11. Uranus is exactly his cusp 8 in this chart.

 However, I have been looking at some other relations and it is my educated impression now that the real Obama chart has the Ascendant at 16Capricorn51 just as we found it with the 5 "C" hypothesis, but relocated to Mombasa, Kenya. His true birth data would then be as follows:

Barack Obama
August 04, 1961
04:36:12 PM BAT (-03:00)
Mombasa, Kenya
04S03    039E40
Asc: 16Capricorn51
MidHeaven: 18Libra00

 But this conviction needs be demonstrated by showing that the family of hypothesis that endorses it trumps all other families. I will be posting more about it soon. But now, look for example that in this chart as per the above data, Obama's natal Cusp 8 (Placidus) stands at: 14Leo55, so the Sun is the ruler and almuten of his House 8 of death; and when his mother died on November 07, 1995 at noon time Chicago the transiting Sun was at 14Scorpio51 therefore applying 4 minutes orb of square to this natal Cusp 8 at 14Leo55 in the chart as per the above data.

 This is very strong evidence that his Ascendant is indeed at 16Capricorn51 as I'd concluded in my initial rectification with the 5 "C" hypothesis, but we cannot call it the "C" family now because the "C" family springs from an MC transit in Honolulu. Turns out that his true MidHeaven is at 18Libra00. So we will call it the "D" family of hypothesis, advocating exactly the same Ascendant proposed by the 5 "C" hypothesis in Honolulu, at 16Capricorn51, except relocated to Mombasa, Kenya. In this "D" chart then, the Ascendant remains at 16Capricorn51 but the MidHeaven is at 18Libra00 and, as just said, natal Cusp 8 of death is at 14Leo55 where the transiting Sun at 14Scorpio51 applied only 4 minutes orb of square at noontime in Chicago on the day her mother died!. This hypothesis is very sturdy and it says that we really have his chart correct now. In Honolulu with that 16Capricorn51 Ascendant, his Cusp 9 is at 21Leo18, hence the transiting Sun was not squaring it when his mother died but 6 days later!.

 But a strong hypothesis is still not demonstration. More hypothesis need to be compiled.  So in my next post I will work on this "D" family of hypothesis that says that his Ascendant is indeed 16Capricorn51, but he was not born in Honolulu, Hawaii, but in Mombasa, Kenya.

I was looking to see if Saturn was going to conjunct his Mars when the North Node moves to his Sun, but found that Saturn retrogrades.
The end of November looks really bad for him. The Sun rules his rectified chart's 8th house, with his own natal Sun very near to the cusp. With only a surface investigation I found this:
11/25: t Mars 6* Sag 57 square n Pluto 6* Virgo 57
11/26 t NN 11* Aqu 55 op  n Sun 11* Leo 55
         t Merc 5* Sag 21 square n Chiron 5* Pi 21
         t Ven 16* Cap 51 conj n Asc 16* Cap 51
11/27 t Sun 5* Sag 21 square n Chiron 5* Pi 21
         Uranus direct op his n Mars
         t Merc 6* Sag 57 square n Pl 6* Virgo 57
         t Venus 18* Cap square n Mc 18 * Libra
11/28 t Sun 6* Sag 57 square n Pl 6* Virgo 57

His progressed Venus is moving toward conjuncting his North Node just as his progressed asc is moving to conjunct his progressed Chiron. Very interesting stuff. I suggest that the end of Nov may be the end of Obama. I also suggest that Venus does not play a very nice role in this story.

 Well, Holly, I think it will be wise to wait until we have pinned down Obama's Ascendant and his MidHeaven too, tantamount of having arrived to know both his time and place of birth, before we move on to figure out his term of life. With that Uranus in 8, it's clear his death will be sudden.  When his father died, the transiting Sun was exactly at 02Sagittarius13, squaring his progressed Sun at 02Virgo24, with 11 minutes applicative orb... And this progressed Sun ruler and almuten of his House 8 was also progressing in his natal House 8. And when his mother died, his progressed Sun was at 14Virgo56 hence separating one minute orb of semisextile to the natal Cusp 8 of this "D" family at 14Leo55 that we just saw was receiving the exact square from the transiting Sun at 14Scorpio51. So, as you see, there can be little doubt that we have actually pinpointed not only Obama's exact time of birth, but also that he was born not in Hawaii, but in Mombasa, Kenya.

 I have found in the Internet that the date I used for Obama's wedding, namely October 18, 1992, was a secondary wedding celebration party, but that the official wedding took place 2 weeks before on October 03, 1992 in Chicago. In my next posting I will derive additional hypothesis using this date's transits. But really, at this point we have it all exact and we only need to do the formal demonstration. Obama was born as per the D1 hypothesis:

Barack Obama's birth data as per Hypothesis D1:
Barack Obama
August 04, 1961
04:36:12 PM BAT (-03:00)
Mombasa, Kenya
04S03    039E40
Asc: 16Capricorn51
MidHeaven: 18Libra00

 I will return to complete the formal demonstration though...




----- Original Message -----
From: hollyavila@...
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [i_predict] Re: Obama's Rectification 4 /Gonzo to Holly

woo hoo! Gonzo, I do believe you got it!!

Hi Holly and Folks:

 Yes. I think so too... But again today it's a busy Thursday and I might not get the time to do the busy work implied in the demonstration. However, I will at least begin compiling hypothesis to defend the postulate of the "D" family of hypothesis.

 As we convened yesterday, what we are calling the "D" family of hypothesis states that Barack Obama's true birth data is thus:

Barack Obama's birth data as per Hypothesis D:
Barack Obama
August 04, 1961
04:36:12 PM BAT (-03:00)
Mombasa, Kenya
04S03    039E40
Asc: 16Capricorn51
MidHeaven: 18Libra00

 Before going to take a look to the date when he married Michelle, let's return to the date his mother died of ovarian cancer in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 07, 1995. I couldn't find the exact time when Obama's mother died, but precisely on that date, there was a Full Moon with the Moon at 14Taurus24 opposition Sun at 14Scorpio24.

 As I mentioned it yesterday, in the chart cast as per the above data, which we will call the D1 hypothesis, cusp 8 of death is at 14Leo55 and thus the Sun is his ruler and almuten of Obama's Cusp 8 as per this "D" family of hypothesis.  So right away we note that the Full Moon of the day his mother died completes a tightly orbed "T"square with his natal Cusp 8 of death: Both the Sun and the Moon squared his natal Cusp 8 of death with applicative orb of only 31 minutes at the moment the Moon was full the day his mother died. The Sun is the ruler of his House 8 of death and the Moon reached fullness that day in Obama's House 4 of the mother where the transiting South Node of the Moon also was: that Full Moon barely escaped from being an Eclipse of the Moon because the Sun and the Moon were so close to the Lunar Nodes axis. The preceding New Moon 2 weeks before had been at 00Scorpio18 and it was a total Eclipse of the Sun at the onset of the sign of death applying square to Obama's natal Mercury at 01Leo01 and squaring also Obama's natal Jupiter at 00Aquarius56. And although Obama's natal Cusp 4 of the mother as per this "D1" hypothesis is at 18Aries00 and thus Mars rules his mother, using the classical system of 5 dignities (domicile, exaltation, triplicity, terms or bounds and face), the Sun scores more points than Mars for which reason the Sun is the almuten of his Cusp 4 of the mother in this "D1" chart. It's then interesting that in the chart for the Full Moon of the day his mother died, the Sun/Mars midpoint is at 28Scorpio31 applying a conjunction to Pluto of that Lunation chart at 29Scorpio52. This planetary picture: Su/Ma = Pl,  is directly consistent with the house rulerships implied by this chart because Mars is ruler and the Sun the almuten of his natal Cusp 4 of the mother in this "D1" chart.

 But the point now is that this Full Moon of the day Obama's mother passed away, affords us two canonical hypothesis more for the "D" family. We will call them the D2 and the D3 hypothesis.

 The D2 hypothesis states that Obama's natal Cusp 8 of death is the square of the Moon of the Full Moon chart the day his mother died, whereas the D3 hypothesis states that the Sun partiled square to his natal Cusp 8 of death. Clearly, both these hypothesis postulate that Obama's natal Cusp 8 of death is at 14Leo24. For this to be true in Mombasa, his birth time should have been at 04:34:05 PM BAT. So this is the rectified birth time as per both hypothesis D1 and D2.

 So now we average up the 3 hypothesis that we have for the "D" family, to obtain the Accumulated Average as per 3 hypothesis of the "D" family:

AA3HD  =  04:34:47  PM  BAT

 The corresponding Ascendant is: 16Capricorn31
and the corresponding MidHeaven: 17Libra37

So these additional 2 hypothesis moved the Ascendant back only 20 minutes of arc.

 And I think these two additional "D" hypothesis are weighty. More so when you consider that if you cast the chart of this Full Moon of the day Obama's died but in Mombasa, Kenya, where we now think he was born, the Ascendant for this Lunation chart turns out to be: 16Capricorn08, this in conjunction to Obama's natal Ascendant as per this "D" family of hypothesis!.  This is very consistent with the doctrine (to which I subscribe) that even if you relocate, the Lunation charts and Lunar and Solar Returns, Ingresses, etc., have greater radix magnitude when you cast them not for the location you are living but to the birth locality. This is a good example of this: Obama's mother died the day there was a Full Moon in tight "T"square to his natal Cusp 8 of death such that cast in his place of birth, Mombasa, all the cusps of the Lunation chart are in conjunction to his natal cusps!. And we've already noted that the Sun is ruler and almuten of his natal House 8 and that this Full Moon was in his House 4 of one's mother.

 So we have started the hypothesis work for this "D" family. I will continue it tomorrow.

 But before signing off now, let me add an important remark: Obama has no male children, only two daughters. This key fact is fully consistent with this "D" family of hypothesis because his natal Cusp 5 of children is at 19Taurus07 hence Venus is the ruler of his House 5 of children (and also the almuten). Venus is feminine and rules number 2, so it checks fine that Obama has 2 daughters and no sons. Specially when you see that his natal Venus is at 01Cancer03, also a feminine sign ruled by the Moon that is thus dispositior of his Venus ruler of his 5.  This consistency becomes further enhanced by the fact that his natal Moon is at 24Taurus56 in his natal House 5 of children, and the Moon is also feminine and rules numbers 2 and 4. This natal Moon, exalted in Taurus in House 5, is co-ruler of his 5 and also dispositor of his ruler and almuten of 5, natal Venus. So we see that Venus and the Moon are fully in charge of his House 5 (there are no other natal planets in 5), explaining very well the fact that he has only 2 daughters and no sons.

 I will leave the analysis here and pick it up tomorrow. Thanks for your keen and kind attention.




Dear Holly and Folks:

 We are still far from having extracted all the juice to the chart of Obama's father's death, to rectify Obama's Ascendant...  Take for example the position of Mars in that chart for the time when Obama's father died cast for November 24,1982, 11:00 PM BAT Nairobi, Kenya. Mars is at 18Capricorn04. In the chart cast with the time that results from averaging the 3 extant hypothesis of the "D" family of hypothesis, as you will recall from my post of yesterday, Obama's Ascendant is at 16Capricorn21, only 20 minutes behind the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant that resulted from averaging 5 hypothesis of the "C" family that stemmed from postulating a Honolulu MidHeaven equal to the Saturn/Pluto midpoint of the time his father died. However, the "D" family is hypothesizing a birth in Mombasa, and the MidHeaven implicit in this averaging of the 3 initial "D" hypothesis is at 17Libra37.

 So we see that this Mars of his father's death at 18Capricorn04 is not far from having squared the said AA3HD (Accumulated Average of 3 hypothesis of the "D" family) MidHeaven at 17Libra37. And seizing this orb, it becomes mandatory to see what this transiting Mars squaring Obama's natal MidHeaven when his father died does to our "D" family average now. So we start a new "D" hypothesis, that we tag the "D4" hypothesis, that postulates that when his father died, transiting Mars in Capricorn applied 17 minutes orb of square to his natal MidHeaven (Cusp 10 of his father)... Why 17 minutes and not partile?. Well, because, as I have many times remarked in the past, my decades long statistics show me that when a transiting Mars square to a natal point strikes in heavy, the orb tends to be of 17 minutes applicative. So if Mars was at 18Capricorn04 when Obama's father died, this D4 hypothesis postulates that Obama's natal MidHeaven must be at 18Libra21. Calculating the implicit birth time as per this D4 hypothesis, yields 04:37:29 PM BAT. The corresponding Ascendant is 17Capricorn09.

 We had found yesterday that the AA3HD birth time was 04:34:47 PM BAT with its implicit Ascendant at 16Capricorn31 and MidHeaven at 17Libra37, but now we update this accumulated average to assimilate the D4 hypothesis. Doing the arithmetics we find that 04:35:37 PM BAT is his AA4HD, meaning his birth time as per 4 averaged hypothesis of the "D" family. The implicit Ascendant is 16Capricorn40 and the MidHeaven is then 17Libra48. We realized of course that adding this 4th "D" hypothesis brings us closer to the 16Capricorn51 Ascendant of the D1 hypothesis. And as for the canonical nature of the D4 hypothesis itself, all we can say is that a square from Mars to the MC when one's father dies, is always pretty canonical in and by itself. In Obama's "D" charts, Mars is ruler of his 4th, so this square is also related to how his mother was stricken by Obama's father's death. Our conviction thickens that we were right in the initial "D1" assumption preserving the "C" Ascendant but relocating to Mombasa. The MidHeaven in Mombasa does appear to be there, as shown again by this D4 hypothesis, and as for why then the AA5HC Midheaven seemed to be there too, as if he'd been born in Honolulu, we see a good explanation: the antiscio of that Honolulu MC is tightly conjoined the midpoint of House 8 as per either of the tightly clustered set of 4 extant "D" hypothesis. From rectifying many thousands of charts, I have learned that the midpoint of House 8 is at least as powerful attractor of relevant partiles (exact aspects) as the Cusp of House 8 itself when we rectify a natal chart using the transits for the time of death of a relative or a loved one.

 So now we have 4 canonical hypothesis in the "D" family, and upon seeing this last addition based on Mars of his father's death squaring Obama's natal MidHeaeven, we can't help noting that this Mars in Capricorn was also conjoined Black Moon Lillith (both transits) when his father passed away. Indeed, when his father died Black Moon was at 17Capricorn24 conjoined the Mars that we said was at 18Capricorn04. And noting that in his natal chart Black Moon Lillith is in Leo in natal House 8, making Lillith a co-ruler of 8, and adding canonical sense to a new "D" hypothesis grounded on either a conjunction of Black Moon of his father's passing to his Capricorn Ascendant or a square from this Black Moon of his father's death to his natal MidHeaven. At first consideration, it'd appear more canonical to postulate that when his father died Lillith squared his MC, Like Mars did. But the conjunction to the Ascendant appears tighter orb, so we can resolve this dilemma opting to consider both options, which means that we can handle the new hypothesis from the Ascendant/MidHeaven midpoint, making the postulate of the next hypothesis, namely the D5 hypothesis, that when his father died, the transiting Black Moon Lillith semisquared the midpoint of his natal Ascendant/MidHeaven midpoint. Therefore, we subtract a semisquare to the Black Moon Lillith's position when his father died and we arrive at 02Sagittarius24 as the Asc/MC midpoint proposed by this D5 hypothesis. Interestingly, calculating Obama's progressions in Mombasa for the moment his father died, we find his progressed Sun (ruler and almuten of natal House 8 in all "C" and "D" sets of charts) at 02Sagittarius24, which is very remarkable as it means that no matter what, when his father died, transiting Black Moon Lillith partiled (ZERO minutes exact) orb of semisquare to his progressed Sun. After pondering this important finding, the conclusion is very strong that we are doing the right choice in taking both main angles, the Asc and the MC, through their midpoint, to handle the new D5 hypothesis, because now there is another very canonical hypothesis fully overlapping here because the orb is partile.

 The new overlapping hypothesis is that when his father died, Obama's progressed Sun ruler and almuten of his House 8, partiled orb of conjunction to his natal Ascendant/MidHeaven midpoint!. This is obviously a very powerful hypothesis, that we will call the D6 hypothesis, postulating the same than the D5 hypothesis, namely, that Obama's natal Ascendant/MidHeaven midpoint is at 02Sagittarius24 partiled conjoined by his progressed Sun and semisquared by transiting Lillith when his father died. And we note also that by taking the Asc/MC midpoint, we are really taking both the Ascendant and the MidHeaven and averaging them up, so Hypothesis D5 weights double, so we re-tag it for what it is: the summation and averaging of 2 different hypothesis that we now re-name D5 and D6, so what we had just called the D6 hypothesis postulating the partile conjunction of Obama's progressed Sun when his father died to his natal Asc/MC midpoint, will be called the D7 hypothesis. Obviously, the D5 and D6 hypothesis deviate one in one direction and the other in the other a little bit each and these orbs neutralize exactly as their average is partile conjoined the natal Asc/MC midpoint proposed by the D7 hypothesis as identical to Obama's progressed Sun (ruler of natal 8) when his father died!. More arithmetics shows that for the Asc/MC midpoint to be at 02Sagittarius24, Obama's birth time needs to be 04:36:06 PM BAT, which therefore is the birth time as the average of hypothesis D5 and D6 as a couplet of coordinated (via midpoint) hypothesis and also the birth time proposed by the independent and powerful new D7 hypothesis. Later, when I tabulate all intermediate results and implicit angles and intermediate updated averages, all the numbers will be open for more detailed analysis, but now with what we have already exposed, we can easily jump to update the accumulated average as per these 7 hypothesis of the "D" family...

 And doing the arithmetics to figure out the AA7HD, meaning the accumulated average as per the extant 7 hypothesis of the "D" family, we arrive at this new important value:

AA7HD  =  04:35:44  PM BAT  with implicit Ascendant at  16Capricorn44  and MidHeaven at 17Libra52

which is really impressive because it has brought us back to the D1 hypothesis with only 6 arc minutes difference in the Ascendant and 8 arc minutes in the MidHeavens, corresponding to a time difference of only 28 SECONDS behind the D1 hypothesis.

 At this point there is really no use in going on: if it were the chart of a client I would long ago have stopped and called a rectified chart. But because it's a controversial case, I will continue hammering more nails here until it becomes ridiculous to continue doing it. Off record, I have already spotted scores of additional new hypothesis based on other dates from Obama's biography, coinciding that we are right in these conclusion. A conclusion that just from my extant analysis thus far, is already strong and definitive.

 There is no doubt now that Barack Obama was born at 04:36 PM plus or minus scant SECONDS. His Ascendant is only scant arc minutes away if anything, from what we had already found at the beginning of this "D" family of hypothesis. We can say that Obama's Ascendant is 16Capricorn51 without fear of being wrong more than very few arc minutes, and the same is true for his natal Ascendant at 18Libra00.

 So Obama's chart is rectified. He was not born in Hawaii, but in Mombasa. That is definitive. Hypothesis D7 in itself is tantamount to demonstrating that. Because the same Ascendant that in Honolulu worked, is the same as in Mombasa, but the Honolulu MidHeaven does not go beyond hypothesis C1 and now we know that in this new chart for Mombasa, that is explained well because such Honolulu MC is the antiscio of the midpoint of the natal House 8 in Mombasa which explains why the transiting Saturn/Pluto midHeaven was there when his father died!.

 So, until we hammer in some more hypothesis here, the best is to stick to the accumulated average of the first 7 hypothesis of the "D" family, proposing the following data for Barack Obama's rectified chart:

Barack Obama's birth data as per Accumulated Average of first 7 "D" Hypothesis
Barack Obama
August 04, 1961
04:35:44 PM BAT (-03:00)
Mombasa, Kenya
04S03    039E40
Asc: 16Capricorn44
MidHeaven: 17Libra52

 And we are fully certain that no matter what happens, these numbers will not move beyond negligible differences. We have arrived at Barack Obama's true birth data. But anyway I will return to continue making these results even more obvious via some more hypothesis. Obama stands rectified now.

 Thanks for your keen and kind attention.  I wish you well.




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